This document will describe the functionality of the hardware design plugin for eclipse. The goal of this tool is to make hardware design as straightforward as application software design is.


This tool is a work in progress, which contains a set of features which are stable and some advanced optional features which are not as stable. It is highly recommended that you update the software often to get access to the latest features along with bug fixes. The tool contains an easy to use update features to facilitate this process.

Getting Started

For the majority of hardware designers who are not used to using advanced IDE environments, and even those who are not used to using eclipse operating with this environment is slightly different. It is highly recommended that you read the short documentation related to the project operations, and the getting started sections. An attempt has been made to make things as simple as possible, but reading these sections can save a lot of time.

Emacs/Vi Users

For the hardcore emacs users, here are instructions to use the same command keys as emacs.

For the hardcore VI users there is a plugin which supports vi modes in eclipse.